Mission 22
Mission Details | You've Got Mail!
Hello + welcome to our twenty-second collective mission.
Whether you’ve joined us 2 years ago or last month, we’re checking in with you. As a community ambassador, you’ve taken small actions that have impacted the health of Virginia in a BIG way. Mission 22 asks how + what has worked for you + takes a look into the near future. We’ve also got a new resource for you + shareables to make this Halloween a safe one. Ready to dive in?
⛑️ How to support:
💌 Just checking in on you! We want to hear from you! Fill out this survey to let us know how's it going. (Feedback form is now closed for Mission 22)
🎓 Stay Informed + up to date. Dig into this resource + help combat misinformation in your communities.
🎃 Keep the “scaries” away! with these easy-to-download shareables + suggested caption found below.
📲 We will recap your insights + ideas on this page, so be sure to check back soon.
💌 Just checking in on you! In the past 2 years as community ambassadors, our goal has been to keep families, friends, coworkers + our communities safe. In Mission 22, we’re checking in with you. Would you let us know how things are going? Fill out this form + let us know your thoughts on this + future missions. (Feedback form is now closed for Mission 22)
🎓Stay Informed + up to date
Combat misinformation, stay informed + up to date. Our friends at We’re Greater Than Covid have put together a great resource to answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine + boosters. All materials can be used to kick off a deeper conversation in your digital communities. Feel free to share the graphics, videos, + GIFs on social media, email, or send via text.
🎃 Keep the “scaries” away!
Living through a pandemic is truly scary. This year, remind your digital communities to stay healthy with easy-to-download shareables + caption that encourage us all to have a safe Halloween.
Find easy-to-download shareables below along with a caption + share with your social media communities.
To download your favorite:
Computer: right-click + save or drag image to your desktop
Mobile: press + hold, then select save
Suggested Caption:
Keep the scaries away this Halloween! Watch out for germs, wash your hands, keep a safe distance, + try to do all the trick-or-treating outdoors. Doesn't hurt to be up to date with all your shots + get tested before hanging out with loved ones. Wishing you a safe + healthy holiday!
#COVIDCommAmbassadors #VDH #vaccinatevirginia #Halloween
Key facts, feedback + insight on mission success.
🗓 On October 26, 2022, Mission 22 email was delivered to 4,174 Ambassadors.
⛑️ Mission 22 received 4458 views.
In this mission, our Community Ambassadors provided helpful feedback as we look into the future of the ambassador program.
Thank you for your support! -- Please see our recap below.
Social media tools + resources from trusted websites have helped fight misinformation in our communities
Social media tools + resources from trusted websites have helped fight misinformation in our communities
How is your community dealing with COVID-19 now?
(click to expand)
How is your community dealing with COVID-19 now?
(click to expand)
“ Most of my friends are getting flu and booster shots. Some have colds and the small children are getting RSV. Great news story about the Mayor of Richmond and VDH Health director getting double shots.
“Either pretending like it's all over with, or being vigilant to keep up with education and vaccination
“More actual facts, more myth busting
“Unfortunate fewer people are masking up indoors, and not a surge of purple getting the bivalent booster…
“The public is fed up with COVID 19 precautions and too much coverage from the media. The public has been inundated by over ambitious yet conflicting coverage and is now a combination of highly skeptical and tone deaf.
“Levels seem ( in my circles) to be lowering of infections.
I myself did endure Covid 19 I believe the omnicron variant even after the original 2 shots and the following 2 boosters. I felt rotten but nothing life threatening. I was discouraged in taking the anti viral( not studied enough and hard on the kidneys) that was the reasoning. I was however offered the infusion which I declined. Best advice was to continue taking the severe cold formula which I did; finally negative after 10 days.
I have since gotten the bivalant booster and the flu shot about 2 weeks apart.
As a retired RN I understand just how important these injections and boosters are and I'm thankful for medical sciences advances.
Thank You!!
“COVID is not a topic in any conversation anymore. When talking to church groups most elderly have received the additional booster. So many people are sick with flu like symptoms. There has to be a bigger push to get the flu vaccine.
Our community ambassadors are willing to participate in missions beyond COVID-19 + help their communities ho they can.
Our community ambassadors are willing to participate in missions beyond COVID-19 + help their communities ho they can.